• LINQ Key Harness Features
Key Harness Features
  1. AS/NZ designed and engineered.
  2. Confined space/rescue loops standard on all Tactician and Elite harnesses.
  3. Interwoven reflectivity strips for increased low light wearer visibility.
  4. Pebble weave webbing design provides maximum grip, eliminating webbing slippage and the need for continual re-adjustment.
  5. Webbing 28 to 30kN for LINQ harnesses while the ASNZ 1891.1 requires 15kN minimum, LINQ is 200% the minimum standard requirement.
  6. Webbing is UV rated to meet AS/NZS 1891.1 standard.
  7. Elastic TIDY loops designed to retain excess webbing post adjustment.
  8. The use of a frontal D for fall arrest is “NOT USED AS PART OF LINQ’S CONCERN FOR USER SAFETY” in the LINQ range of harnesses, the poorly positioned frontal D is replaced by a co joined set of Belay Loops with increased loop length resulting in enhanced safety in a properly fitted LINQ harness. Eradicates the chance of throat and facial injury that is associated with frontal D harnesses.
  9. The Co-joined Belay Loops ensure straight line forces at moment of impact, eradicating dangerous vectoral forces associated with most frontal D type harnesses with off-set non centred D placement.
  10. The LINQ design ensures that there is a substantial Moment of Impact safety enhancement.
  11. Positioning of Belay Loops below the chest for better safety. Female Friendly.
  12. A properly fitted LINQ harnesses Belay Loop/Sub Pelvic Strap design creates a “seat” for the wearer for after fall comfort and safety, whilst at the moment of impact its positioning forms a natural fulcrum and ensures that any risk of throat or facial injury from fall arrest or attachment hardware is greatly reduced.
  13. Chest Strap positioned below breast line to reduce the risk of throat injury in the event of a fall.
  14. Rear dorsal attachment-drop forged hardware for exceptional strength 40kn (4 tonnes). Dorsal D attachment engineered for zero slide in a fall (no keeper/insert breakout).
  15. Buckles easy to adjust in both slotted and quick fit buckles.
  16. Retro-reflective buckle padding for enhanced safety (precludes wearer injury due to buckle bruising at moment of impact) and for added comfort for the duration of wear time. (not available on the entry level H101 Essential harness) ‘THETA’ stitch pattern. Engineered to match webbing strength to ensure no weak point in the harness assembly. Shaped to preclude stitch thread breakage in a fall.
  17. Contrast stitch thread colour to webbing colour as per ASNZ, for easy inspection.
  18. The Standard’s type testing stipulates that compliance assessment takes place after just 1 fall, but LINQ harnesses are engineered to withstand 4 falls (4 head first; 4 feet first falls) and thereafter still comply with the AS/NZS1891.1 compliance assessment requirement.
  19. Standing Step Suspension Trauma Strap - engineered and trialled to eliminate suspension trauma/orthostatic intolerance. Available on all LINQ harnesses except the entry level H101 Essential harness (Retro fit trauma straps are available under stock code HSSTS).
  20. Retro reflective shoulder padding for comfort and ease of donning (Elite range only).

Key Harness Features